The Risks of Waiting for DI Coverage

Meghan Cormany   |   June 2021   |   1-minute read

I don’t know about you, but I’m a master procrastinator! If it can wait, then chances are good that I’m pushing it off. The fact is, it’s possible your clients are procrastinators too. Often, it’s not that they mean to be – life happens. Things come up. But if they wait too long to get disability insurance, they’re putting a lot at risk.

Aside from the risk of becoming ill or injured, a lot could happen to your clients:

  1. Longevity – the older they are, the higher their premiums will be
  2. Their occupation could change, resulting in higher premiums or declined coverage
  3. Their health could change – certain conditions could also result in higher premiums or declined coverage

The best time to buy disability insurance is when a person is young and healthy. However, most often, people don’t think about it until something has changed with their medical history – by then it might be too late. It’s up to you to plant the seed early by showing your clients why they need coverage.

Ask Questions – Today

Don’t wait. Here are some questions to ask at your next client meeting:

  • How would your family be impacted if something were to happen to you today, and you were no longer able to work?
  • Do you know anyone who has suffered a disability? If so, how did they make it through financially?

Your clients worked hard to build their financial future (and so did you). But once it’s gone, it’s too late. It’s our job to make sure that everything works when your clients can’t. To make sure their foundation is protected.

Don’t end the conversation before checking the last box. Check out these resources to SEE IT THROUGH – to create a solid financial foundation for paychecks, made possible.

About the Author

Meghan Cormany helps advisors add value and protection for their clients through disability insurance. As a sales development specialist, she provides sales concepts, training and solutions to help integrate DI into existing planning conversations. Meghan has been an integral part of the Ash DI team since 2008 and is a leader in disability sales.