Helping you help clients retire securely

Your clients are experiencing the greatest shift from the workforce to retirement – ever. With a focus on fiduciary responsibilities, we’ll position annuities and document when they’re in the best interests of your clients.

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Seek solutions, not products

Accumulation vs decumulation. We know what it’s like to be at the table with a client and sense the uncertainty they may have about their retirement plans.

That’s why we’ve invested in people and technology. With over $1.9 billion in retirement assets secured last year, we understand how to prepare clients for retirement.

And we’ll help you do it for your clients

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Provide an income stream

Retirement planning has changed and it’s crucial to include income planning in your conversations. By using annuities to provide guaranteed income, you free up other assets while improving your clients’ probability of success.

Fixed. Indexed. SPIAs. DIAs. Pension risk transfers. Structured settlements. Whatever the need, we execute a strategy that delivers.

Put an expert to work for you

It’s our job to make sure that everything works — both now and in retirement. Let us show you how whatever the question, whatever the need, Ash Answers.

RET market
Market your business

Whether you’re nurturing existing prospects through engaging content, attracting new leads through paid advertising, or refreshing your brand messaging to resonate – we can help!

RET tools
Protect your business

With confident clients, your business will thrive. Deepen your relationship with our JourneyGuide software, designed to project different “what if” scenarios and suggest solutions

RET grow team
Expand your business

To grow, you need to be intentional about your success. From it comes to policy review to client seminars and referrals, we'll help you manage your practice in any market.

A profitable partnership

You’re ready for a partnership that provides individualized support and a commitment to work with you the way you want. See how we work together.

Frequently asked questions
Questions? Ash Answers.
How do I get contracted through Ash to sell life insurance?

Everything is done online through an electronic contracting system called SureLC. You'll want to log in to the Advisor Portal. From the homepage, click on the Contracting tile, then choose Online Contracting.

For the initial setup, your information pulls directly from the National Insurance Producer Registry – it may be as easy as verifying no changes are needed or completing your profile that includes submitting your signature card, Errors and Omission coverage, AML, and if directly paid, direct deposit information.

After setting up your initial profile with our online contracting system, you can request additional insurance carrier contracts at the click of a button. You can also update any contracting documents such as AML, E&O, or bank information. No more unnecessary duplication of efforts, redundant questions or searching for up-to-date paperwork. It’s fast, paper-free, and it’s always available when you need it.

If you need help, our Commissions and Contracting team is available to make sure the insurance process never stands in the way of progress.

What does it mean to annuitize?

To annuitize is to convert the accumulated value of an annuity into a stream of income. The payments may be a fixed amount for a fixed period of time or for a lifetime.

What is a direct transfer?

A direct transfer is a method of moving qualified funds from one trustee to another without triggering a taxable event. Transfers often occur between two financial institutions but they can also be between contracts or accounts at the same institution. To qualify as a transfer:

  • It must be between “like-kind” plans (e.g. Traditional IRA to Traditional IRA, TSA (Tax Shelter Annuity) to TSA
  • There must be no constructive receipt of the funds. In other words, the check must be payable and directed to the receiving financial institution as trustee