We give you solutions in a soundbite. These short videos will help you break down complex topics into ideas simple enough that you can start a piece of the conversation – with your clients or our team. Browse the library then contact us to go deeper on how to apply an insurance solution to your business.

Retirement Solutions
Attracting Prospects Using Income Alpha
Are you overpaying for your lead generation? See how our Retirement Readiness calculator can help you be more effective in attracting quality prospects that are ready for a conversation about Income Alpha and shifting retirement risks.
2 minutes
Retirement Solutions
How Income Alpha Can Grow Your Business
Income Alpha is made for today’s best-interest planning environment — to free up assets and minimize retirement risk. Focus on how you can shift the risk of retirement versus how much you can accumulate, and watch your lifetime client value increase.
2 minutes
Retirement Solutions
Why Your Client's Retirement Planning Needs Income Alpha
Don’t let your client's retirement portfolio take on unnecessary risks. Longevity. Sequence of Returns. Asset Mix. All of these factors can be protected against using Income Alpha to produce guaranteed income. See how two couples compare in this case study.
2 minutes
Retirement Solutions
The Advantages of Income Alpha in a Retirement Portfolio
Americans are living longer, saving less, misusing Social Security and seeing their defined benefit plans frozen. That puts a strain on your assets. Income Alpha changes that with a strategy to create protected income and retirement portfolio leverage.
2 minutes
Tim 05262022 NoTitle
Disability Insurance
Your Most Difficult Conversation Made Easy
When it comes to your clients, a consultative approach and these five simple steps can help you have the conversation around income protection, while ensuring the plan makes sense and is affordable.
2 minutes
Steve 05262022 NoTitle
Long-Term Care
Planning for the 'What-Ifs'
Get your clients thinking about their financial priorities by asking one targeted question. Then, look at the possibility of simply repositioning funds to provide LTC protection. We’re talking greater return and protection to set your clients up to leave a stronger legacy.
3 minutes
Erp 05262022 NoTitle
Advanced Planning
Strategic Leverage to Best Serve Your Clients
Combat the concern of increasing interest rates with this premium finance life insurance strategy. The advisor guide to premium finance — along with your Ash Advanced Markets team — provides concepts for a proactive conversation on classic leverage for your wealthier clients.
2 minutes
Sam 05262022 NoTitle
Life Insurance
Peace of Mind in a Rising Interest Rate Environment
As an alternative to premium finance, this specific approach is for your high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth clients who have substantial assets that generate income. Check out this brief video and case study to better understand this strategy.
2 minutes
Life Insurance
Ash Life Audit - Mortality Madness
Mortality tables are updated regularly and significantly affect the performance and pricing of your clients' life insurance policies. Are you confident in their coverage? A policy review with Ash Life Audit will help you find the best fit.
1 minutes
Retirement Solutions
A Smarter Way to Earn Your RICP® Designation
Further your retirement planning knowledge and build confidence. When you join an Ash RICP® study group, you're eligible for peer support, discounts and reimbursement. It’s a great way to stay on track for your designation while growing your network.
3 minutes
Steve 04282022 NoTitle
Long-Term Care
The Biggest Challenge You Face, Confronted
Long-term care can be the most challenging — and possibly uncomfortable – discussion you have with your clients. However, with Ash, this is made simple — from how to begin the conversation and best options to putting a plan in place with the best solution.
2 minutes
Erp 04282022 NoTitle
Advanced Planning
Key to Success with Employee Retention Planning
Learn about the four Rs of key non-owner employee planning, understand if your client’s case is eligible for guaranteed issue underwriting and address nonqualified insurance-backed retirement plans for business owners. All to ensure success and reward for loyalty, while also creating employee retention.
2 minutes