Say Yes to Income Planning

Jim Martin   |   October 2021   |   1-minute read
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A few months ago, I was at a meeting with some advisors and we were talking about the different plans their clients have in place. First, I asked about estate plans, and there were some advisors in attendance with experience helping clients put their estates in order. Next, I asked about financial plans, and there was more enthusiasm — after all, I was in a room with financial planners. Finally, I asked about income plans. And I was met at first with silence, before one brave advisor asked me, “What do you mean by that?”

I’m so glad he did because it opened the door for opportunity to address one of their clients’ largest needs in retirement — and that’s having enough income to live on.

Put simply, an income plan answers these four basic questions:

· What’s your income goal?

· How will you meet your goal?

· What’s the possibility of an income shortfall? · Where’s your income going to come from?

When we think of an estate or financial plan, we think wills, trusts, assets under management, cash value, and other accumulation and transfer vehicles. But how often do we really think of income? As your clients shift from the workplace to retirement, it’s a big piece of how they will maintain their lifestyle.

At Ash, we have found that an income plan is one of the most reassuring, most valued plans a client can have. Weve also figured out how to make it easy for the client to understand, and easy for our advisors to present.

We work with you to help your clients reposition assets into an annuity that provides a guaranteed income stream, taking the pressure off the rest of the portfolio. And, by doing that you are also able to:

· Build inflation into the plan

· Reduce the sequence of return risk

· Minimize longevity risk

If your client doesn’t have a plan like that, we’re here to help you put one in place. It's a simple, client-friendly process. And it’s a building block upon which you can build better investment and estate plans.

Call us at (800) 589-300 for details.

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