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Social Security: When Should You Start Receiving Retirement Benefits?

June 2021  |  62 minutes

As you near retirement, one of the biggest financial decisions you'll need to make is when to begin receiving your Social Security retirement benefits. With pensions disappearing, Social Security remains the major source of guaranteed lifetime retirement income for most Americans, so it's important to take the time to explore your options and make an informed, well-reasoned decision.

In this seminar on Social Security Retirement Benefits, you'll learn:

  • What your full retirement age is and how your benefit is determined
  • How retiring earlier than, or later than, your full retirement age will affect your Social Security benefit
  • Why it's important to plan together with your spouse, and strategies you can use to boost retirement and survivor's benefits
  • How working after you begin receiving Social Security could affect how much you receive
About the Host

Randy Kitzmiller’s strength is his ability to simplify complex problems and solutions. With more than 25 years of experience, he works with advisors in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa to help their clients find protection and security in their retirement planning.

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