Qualified Dollars and the SECURE Act

January 2020  |  31 minutes

Who do your clients want their IRA to go to: their family, charity or the IRS?

With the passing of the SECURE Act in late 2019, the taxation of inherited IRAs changed significantly. Now, instead of a young beneficiary taking distributions over several decades, all assets must be distributed (and taxed) within 10 years.

If you do legacy planning for clients, it’s important to understand how to minimize the tax impact under the new law. Watch this discussion on legacy efficiency. We cover considerations such as:

  • How clients can maintain care, custody and control
  • How to increase legacy funds without additional investment risk
  • Methods for allocating tax-inefficient assets to charity
About the Host

Bryan Haas leads the Advanced Case Design team. Since he joined Ash in 2013, Bryan has been a thoughtful leader, serving advisors through highly technical cases and policy review. His commitment to caring is felt by anyone who has the pleasure of asking him for assistance on case design, policy review or product configuration.

Featured Speaker

Through analytical expertise, Steven Gates supports advisors serving high-net-worth clients and business owners. Using customized modeling, he creates insurance-driven strategies for wealth transfer, business protection and charitable leverage. Steven is the go-to guy when you need a unique blend of technological expertise, industry knowledge and entrepreneurial drive.