The Distraction-Proof Advisor
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25 minutes

You're Missing Opportunities if You're Relying on Old Assumptions with Julie Littlechild

The last two years have changed almost everything. And if you’re relying on old assumptions, you likely have the wrong ideas about what your clients need, want and expect says client insight and engagement expert Julie Littlechild. What has previously seemed too “touch-feely” to be very relevant to financial advising is now key to effectively connecting with and leading your clients. Julie emphasizes the difference between seeking client input, which focuses on how the advisor is doing their job, and client feedback, which instead focuses on how the client is doing. Only when advisors ask questions to understand their clients’ feelings, concerns and needs can they properly strategize how to effectively lead clients and deliver the best possible experience for them.

About the Host

Paul Kingsman works directly with advisors who want to grow their protection and retirement income planning practices. Through his speaking, writing and business coaching, Paul helps advisors set up processes to attract quality prospective clients and remain relevant in the ever-changing world of financial services. As a former financial advisor, he understands what works in the real world, teaching practical, actionable solutions to advisors' everyday challenges.

Guest Speakers
Julie Littlechild high res
Julie Littlechild
Founder and CEO
Absolute Engagement