The Distraction-Proof Advisor
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30 minutes

Why Leading with Curiosity Works Best to Preserve Families and Perpetuate Business with David Specht

The Family Business Whisperer, David Specht, says working with family-owned businesses is always interesting because each family is like a unique puzzle. Yet, again and again he sees advisors make the mistake of focusing on product instead of people. And even those who do focus on people can undermine their efforts by leaving key people out of the conversation, failing to be genuinely curious and not showing empathy. David talks about how to pay attention to the right people, ask tough questions and focus on what matters most to bring value that creates clients relationships that last for generations.

About the Host

Paul Kingsman works directly with advisors who want to grow their protection and retirement income planning practices. Through his speaking, writing and business coaching, Paul helps advisors set up processes to attract quality prospective clients and remain relevant in the ever-changing world of financial services. As a former financial advisor, he understands what works in the real world, teaching practical, actionable solutions to advisors' everyday challenges.

Guest Speakers
David Specht-color headshot
David Specht
Family Business Institute