The Distraction-Proof Advisor
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53 minutes

Through Setbacks to Significance

Entrepreneur, money maven, and wealth advisor Nicole Middendorf gets personal about struggles in her life that led to her a low point of feeling she had lost herself in a life she never wanted or imagined. She shares how her own process of figuring out how to start over, including reigniting an entrepreneurial passion she’d had since childhood, and creating a vision for the life she did want would eventually lead her to empowering clients, colleagues and audiences to make crucial positive changes in their own lives so they, too, can find happiness in their financial, professional and personal lives. Nicole tells how she keeps perspective and balance in her busy life, including regularly assessing what’s working and what’s not, seeking feedback, being authentic and transparent, as well even welcoming mistakes as opportunities to learn and improve.

About the Host

Paul Kingsman works directly with advisors who want to grow their protection and retirement income planning practices. Through his speaking, writing and business coaching, Paul helps advisors set up processes to attract quality prospective clients and remain relevant in the ever-changing world of financial services. As a former financial advisor, he understands what works in the real world, teaching practical, actionable solutions to advisors' everyday challenges.

Guest Speakers
Nicole Middendorf
Wealth Advisor and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst
Prosperwell Financial