The Distraction-Proof Advisor
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39 minutes

Beware of Advisor-Bod! Protect and Grow Your "Wellth" with Stevyn Guinnip

So many financial professionals end up trading their health for their career and don’t really take notice of their declining health until they get some shocking wakeup call. But, exercise physiologist and Certified Wellness Coach Stevyn Guinnip says it doesn’t have to be this way. We can avoid or even recover from “Advisor-Bod.” In fact, she says advisors’ financial know-how is actually a super-power they can apply to reclaiming their health for good, staying on track forever, and retiring “wellthy.” She says the journey to physical health is almost identical to the journey to financial wealth, from starting early, to having a plan, to making small but consistent deposits. In this interview, she talks about some of the most important (and obvious) health markers many advisors are overlooking and provides many no-cost, easy-to-implement activities to boost your wellness account balance, which is just as vital to a quality retirement as your financial account balance.

About the Host

Paul Kingsman works directly with advisors who want to grow their protection and retirement income planning practices. Through his speaking, writing and business coaching, Paul helps advisors set up processes to attract quality prospective clients and remain relevant in the ever-changing world of financial services. As a former financial advisor, he understands what works in the real world, teaching practical, actionable solutions to advisors' everyday challenges.

Guest Speakers
Stevyn Guinnip headshot
Stevyn Guinnip
Founder, CEO & Wellth Advisor
Grow Wellthy