Providing a Solid Foundation with Disability Insurance

Meghan Cormany   |   June 2021   |   1-minute read

Almost everyone is familiar with life insurance and the reasons for needing proper coverage. Disability insurance is just as important, if not more! It’s the foundation of any solid financial plan.

You probably manage a lot of assets for clients. Pick an average client and tell me, what’s their greatest asset? A 401(k)? IRA? Permanent life insurance policy? For many, it’s not in a financial statement. It’s their ability to get up and go to work every day. Their lifetime earning potential is greater than any of their property or investments. If that income is disrupted, even for a short time, you can forget saving for long-term goals. It becomes increasingly difficult just to pay day-to-day bills. A house built on poor foundations won’t be standing for long. The same can be said for a financial plan. You likely pay for your expenses – mortgage, utilities, car payments, insurance premiums, etc. – with your paycheck – but what happens if your client should find yourself unable to work?

This is what makes disability insurance so important. Our most valuable asset is our ability to earn a paycheck. Just like our homes, our cars, our property, and our life, it should be insured against catastrophe.

Continue the Conversation

Ask your clients:

  • What are your fixed monthly expenses?
  • How is your current health? What do you think will happen in the next five years?
  • How would you maintain your current lifestyle should you be unable to earn your paycheck?

Injury and illness don’t care who you are, what you look like, how much money you make – your wealthiest, luckiest clients – or even you – could be brought down in an instant. We can’t change their fate, but we can change the outcome – financially, at least.

Your clients worked hard to build their financial future (and so did you). But once it’s gone, it’s too late. It’s our job to make sure that everything works when your clients can’t. To make sure their foundation is protected.

Don’t end the conversation before checking the last box. Check out these resources to SEE IT THROUGH – to create a solid financial foundation for paychecks, made possible.

About the Author

Meghan Cormany helps advisors add value and protection for their clients through disability insurance. As a sales development specialist, she provides sales concepts, training and solutions to help integrate DI into existing planning conversations. Meghan has been an integral part of the Ash DI team since 2008 and is a leader in disability sales.